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Thursday, May 21, 2009

**How to Build a Hydrogen Fuel Cell-2

Continuation of 1st part
The hydrogen fuel cell is a DIY device that can be assembled and installed under your car hood. Among other common parts, it comprises a quart-size container that holds water. By drawing electricity from the car's internal power supply, the fuel cell extracts energy from water by converting it into a hydrogen-based gas called HHO. The system can be configured to produce HHO gas on-demand either through an on/off switch or for as long as our car's engine is running. This HHO produced is then channeled through the intake manifold into the combustion chamber to mix with gasoline. By doing so, the combustion rate of gasoline is greatly enhanced, and burns cleanly and completely. Thus we can save more than 50% by installing a hydrogen fuel cell kit in our car.
To be continued...

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