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Friday, February 13, 2009

** Effects of drinking alcohol

Effects of drinking alcohol
Doing a bad thing will really and surely have a bad result. Like that drinking alcohol will surely affect our body and also our family and our society too… Thus those who are drinking should know the effect of drinking it. So it will help them to change their mind and make them lead a free and happy life. Drinking alcohol may have several effects in a human body. It is like a slow poison, thus it kills us very slowly. Slowly in mean that it will kill the man after 3 or 4 years. Thus if you prefer to drink slow poison by buying it on your own money, then it is said to be your fate.
Effects of drinking alcohol will be too dangerous and hazardous to our health. The effects include both physical and psychological. Physical effects include stomach and intestinal problems, poor diet and weight loss, Liver problems such as swelling, Pain in the side or back from kidney problems, ulcers, blackouts, unable to remember drinking episodes, insomnia, nausea, shaking, delirium tremens etc. and psychological effects include nervousness, anxiety, depression, hallucinations, learning difficulties, memory difficulties, impaired judgment, shame and guilt etc.
Thus to avoid these effects we should stop drinking alcohol. Alcohol plays an important role in aggression. 40% of all incidents involving aggression occur while under the influence of alcohol. The police spend 22% of their time on cases involving alcohol. Violence on the streets and domestic violence while under the influence of alcohol happen often. When it comes to drinking at work, alcohol has big consequences. 13% of all employees on sick leave have alcohol problems. Employees with alcohol problems produce at least 10% less work than their colleagues. Thus the list of effects on drinking alcohol goes on increasing in all fields. Thus avoiding alcohol may avoid these problems.
To stop drinking it we can take many steps like meditation, yoga and so on. Thus diverting their mind from drinking to any other work may help them to stop drinking alcohol.
Even though the alcohol is giving some positive effects like getting livelier, easier and relaxed, talking more easily and feeling less tired, it is not good for our health if we drink it more. It is also said that moderate alcohol use protects against cardiovascular diseases. But these points show that there was not much profit to us while we drink alcohol, but the defects are about thousands and thousands. So keep the effects of drinking in mind and stop drinking alcohol.

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